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Is your resume ready to send out today at a moment's notice?


Imagine if a former boss, colleague, or industry contact reached out to recommend you for an exciting new dream position. Would your resume be current, looking sharp, ready to send? Or would you be in a scramble, if not a full-blown panic, to get it updated?
For many business professionals, writing, formatting, and maintaining a resume is a stressful and frustrating challenge. For starters, it’s more common than not for people to struggle to write about themselves. It’s not always easy to capture your own professional accomplishments, experience, and skills in a concise and compelling manner.
Moreover, the latest recommended “best practices for resumes” from industry experts changes frequently and often results in conflicting, confusing, and competing advice. The combination of these factors leads many professionals to dread, delay, and drag-their-feet when it comes to their resume. 
Maintaining a current and compelling resume, ready to send out at a moment’s notice, is a must for every business professional. No matter if you love your existing job or if you’re actively planning your next career move, we can help you be much better prepared when new opportunities come knocking.

  • Expert writing and editing from a seasoned marketing professional.
  • Clean, crisp, consistent formatting in an organized layout focused on ease of readability.
  • No text boxes, columns, or “divider lines” that can often trip up resume scanning systems.
  • A one-on-one collaborative process, tailored to your unique experience and professional backstory.
  • We don’t “send you a template + give some pointers”; we write, edit, format your resume for you.
  • Deliverables include a new resume via PDF and a Word version you can edit going forward.

Resume Readiness projects typically take between 2-6 hours to complete depending on several key factors listed below. After our free initial discovery phone call and resume review, we will recommend a package based on these factors.

  1. Starting Point. How much core content is missing/gapped in your resume? Starting from scratch?
  2. Goal. Are we updating your resume to have it ready or are you targeting a specific job/opportunity?
  3. Career Level. Are you at an entry, mid, growth, executive level in your career? Changing careers?
  4. Priority. Is this an urgent, high priority situation to get your resume overhauled asap?
  5. Client Engagement. Are you a responsive participant in the questions and review processes?

Let’s Get Started. #ResumeReadiness #ResumeRework #ResumeRenovation #ResumeRehab

Resume/CV Copy Editing

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