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Thought Leadership from Nelson Santini
Nelson Santini
Jan 19, 20214 min read
Make it easy for your selection board
Don’t let your company spend hundreds of thousands of dollars developing great solutions only to screw up the pitch.
Nelson Santini
Dec 16, 20203 min read
It’s Not Cheap to “Pink” and “Red” Team.
I’ve seen my fair share of “happy” to “glad” changes while working through Pink and Red Team reviews, and quite frankly when I dug in to get
Nelson Santini
Oct 21, 20204 min read
Avoid “No Bids” and win better deals
BD’s job is to make sure proposal’s Pwin is overwhelmingly higher than the aggregate Pwin of the competitors.
Nelson Santini
Oct 5, 20204 min read
A tool box to master Proposal Management, and WIN!
While these teams share some tools in their modern day “cloud-based” toolboxes, like a CRM tool; there are some tools created uniquely and p
Nelson Santini
Sep 24, 20204 min read
Salt and Pepper Knowledge
Gray Beards have advice worth “coin” If you are a Government contractor, and you can remember visiting your customers, partners or peers’...
Nelson Santini
Sep 18, 20206 min read
Gain agility in your RFP offseason
This offseason, prepare your Proposal Team and your SMEs to improve their Pwin and record over the next FY. Here are five activities to cons
Nelson Santini
Sep 14, 20204 min read
Develop an “elastic” proposal team to have more “at bat” oppys.
A well-groomed, trained and elastic Proposal Team is as important to your business livelihood as your BD Team.
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